Ediciones Emilianenses

Product details

Collection of 16 bookmarks with 16 types of different calligraphy written, logically, by hand: Iberian script, Roman script (Capitalis quadrata), Beneventan script (Visigothic), Foundational calligraphy, Capitalis calligraphy following the master Edward Catich, Gothic calligraphy, Gothic Bâtarde script, artistic calligraphy, calligrams, etc.

This is a handcrafted collection of bookmarks created by the illustrator and calligrapher Valle Camacho, that allows you to enter the world of calligraphy. An exquisite detail for collectors or a gift to accompany your book orders.

Calligraphies: Valle Camacho Matute.
Edition: Emiliano Navas Sánchez.

21 x 5 cm
Price: 16 euros.

 Also available at Aurea bookstore, in Madrid, the only bookstore specializing in classical Latin and Greek philology, archeology, ancient history, and Hispanic philology.


Iberian script
Capitalis quadrata
Capitalis quadrata following Edward Catich
Rustic script
Roman Bronze Letters
Visigothic script (Ulfilas)
Uncial calligraphy
Italic calligraphy
Foundational calligraphy
Artistic calligraphy
Beneventan miniscule script
Gothic calligraphy
Gothic Bâtarde calligraphy

A collection of appealing bookmarks that invite you to discover the development of calligraphy throughout the ages.

Valle Camacho Matute
Illustrator and calligrapher
Logroño- La Rioja- Spain


A great blog to encourage the collection of bookmarks by Olga Sotomayor.



Ediciones Emilianenses

A new way of approaching the Humanities

Ediciones Emilianenses

Tfno 941 256 084 - 678 805 137
Parque del Carmen 3, 9º B
26003 Logroño - La Rioja
- Spain -